Getting back to Touken Ranbu

After few years of not gaming, plus many things that happened in my life. I come back to my boys. I think I had issues with vpn or something last time, and then just left Tourabu. War expansion event is going on. I haven’t been getting any new swords of course, I forgot the mechanismContinue reading “Getting back to Touken Ranbu”

What happened to you, America.

United States is my second home country, I spent time in the states and some part of me stay there even as I left. United States of America, is home. That is just me who spent 2 years. For those who live longer, I believe they felt stronger bond to the land. I am referringContinue reading “What happened to you, America.”

The animal-less life

As I  grew up in a suburb area near Jakarta. It is a satellite city, as like many other metropolitan its really expensive to live there, so many workers lived in city like Depok. It was 1980s so the environment was still green. I could tell you how Depok changed from a green lush andContinue reading “The animal-less life”

Utada Hikaru

Music is a part of being human Oliver Sachs – Musicophilia- I have always believe that music could somehow affect human’s emotion. There must be a neural pathway that linked between those two. Oliver Sachs, a neurologist with a passion of music support this view by wrote “Music, uniquely among the arts, is both completely abstractContinue reading “Utada Hikaru”


Its a summer festival in Luxembourg city. Started at the mid august until today, 7 september. My friend told me about it last week and told me to come at the end of the festival because the ticket is half-price and there is fireworks afterward. I was invited by my apartment-mate as well but sinceContinue reading “Schueberfouer”

Travel Fail

I am on the bus on my way to Hamburg to meet my labmate from Indonesia. Today is a working day so I still work until a bit of the afternoon. I already prepared the maps and tickets for my trip to Hamburg, well, a night before. Then there was unexpected thing happen today, thereContinue reading “Travel Fail”

Understanding User Experience Part 1. Defining User, Experience and User Experience

by ulfa o. ( User Experience  has been growing these past years but the experts have yet to agree in definition of user experience. Studies had been conducted for instance by Hassenzahl, by making questionnaire, asked opinion and input from the UX experts to reach a possible agreement in understanding what UX means. In order toContinue reading “Understanding User Experience Part 1. Defining User, Experience and User Experience”